Episode 35: Gun Talk, Child Abuse, and Pro-2A Diplomacy

We’re talkin’ Mosins again, but this time, with military surplus (“milsurp”) ammo.  I had a fun time with my Mosin and a fellow Liberal’s VEPR in 7.62x54R recently.  We used exclusively milsurp ammo rounds.  You’ll hear about that, and it brings to mind a bit of perspective of our relationship with the people of Eastern Europe.

We follow that with a very difficult story to tell you.  The short version:  some prosecutors and police in Prince William County, VA did something egregious to an underage high-school boy.  We need to call out such abuses.  I strongly suspect most police officers will be outraged by what was done here in the name of official authority.

And finally, we talk about the recent events with the folks at Open Carry Texas.  We use this as an example of the importance of diplomacy.  Yes, diplomacy matters.

Episode 34: A Fourth-Of-July Realization About the Antis–Yes, They Really Do Want Full-Blown Confiscation

We celebrated the 238th birthday of our nation, the United States of America, just a few days ago.  It’s a good opportunity to again consider the history of this country and the liberties that we have, and what they mean to us.  It’s also a time to remember that freedom isn’t free.  It takes work.

Civil Liberties need defending

America Means Civil Liberties, Patriotism Means Defending Them

There’s an old parable about dropping a frog into boiling water vs. gently and slowly heating the water the frog’s in.  The first method will see the frog jump out.  The second method, the frog won’t notice until it’s too late and won’t realize it needs to do something to avoid being cooked.

The antis have also learned from that parable.  They want to try to take it one step at a time, hoping that they can get rid of the Second Amendment bit by bit.  They’ve learned not to try a “radical” ban right away, from their previous failures.  We’re going to talk about that.

But now, apparently they’ve decided to go blatantly racial, in this “post-racial” society–well, at least that’s what they keep saying.  Yes, folks, the antis are blatantly calling Black people dangerous and saying they shouldn’t have guns.  Funny that I don’t hear them saying that about the bodyguards for Rosie O’Donnell, Ellen DeGeneres, or Michael Bloomberg.

We’re going to talk about that.  Because it’s important.  Black people have just as much right to defend themselves from harm–just as much!–as those aforementioned White people do.  And Cowboy T is going to call them on it, here and now.

Liberty, folks–it takes work, and it’s worth that work–and that’s something worth celebrating in this time of our nation’s birthday.

Happy Birthday, United States of America.  Even with our faults…I love you and cherish you.

American Flag

American Flag

Episode 33: Only the Police and Military Need Guns?

A lot has happened since the last episode.

Many antis like to say, “only the police and the military need guns!”  They especially say this when talking about modern sporting rifles like the AR-15.  Well, apparently the police have been taking quite the cue from, well, the military.  They’re arming up as if they were the US Army or the Marines.

This podcast talks about what happens when you have that kind of society.  These are recent examples, from just last month.

We do some difficult episodes sometimes here on the Liberal’s Gun Corner.  This is one of those.  Seriously, this was a hard episode for me to do.  That’s probably a good thing.

Thanks to listener “Jim”, a retired policeman, and some other still-active police officers over on Ammosmith.com, for the examples provided here.

Episode 32: Liberal In The Lions’ Den, California Confiscations, Adventures with a Loadmaster, and the Taurus Raging Bull 454

Ah, a lot to talk about in this episode.  The San Francisco Liberal really did it this time!  Turns out Sen. Rand Paul was having a discussion this week at a Conservative (thus nearly entirely Republican) function, and so on “Miss B.H.C.’s” advice, I attended.  Even got to put a question about the militarization of the local police forces to the Senator…and he answered!  You’ll  hear all about it.

Civil Liberties need defending
America Means Civil Liberties, Patriotism Means Defending Them

Yes, I’m bold and fearless, but still, why did I do this?  Me, a Liberal going into what you’d think would be the lions’ den?  Well, there’s a confiscation action going on in California these days.  The officials there are using their gun registration database to go confiscate people’s guns.  Now, I’m all for keeping ’em out of the hands of people who really shouldn’t have ’em, like violent criminals and such.  But this case…I really gotta wonder what’s going on here.  If you think “it can’t happen here in America!”, well, it is happening.  Here in America.

Is this really what we want, my fellow Liberals?  I sure hope not.

Lee Load-Master Press
Richard Lee’s favorite invention

Then we get into the Lee Loadmaster progressive press.  I’ve heard all sorts about this press, mostly bad, so I decided to plunk down some cash and see if the rumours were true.  You’ll hear about that.

And finally, we discuss one of our shop’s rental guns, the Taurus Raging Bull in .454 Casull.  Yep, this is another one I’ve spent plenty of quality time with.

As with all reviews of any gear we do here, you’ll hear the good, the badk and the ugly.  We don’t pull punches here; that’s not the Liberal way.  You get it as we actually see and experience it.

Episode 31: Another fatal Fort Hood shooting, and… How to get new “good guy” gun owners

We remember the tragic shooting at Fort Hood in 2009 by (now former) Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan.  We thought it wouldn’t happen again, especially there.  We thought it was over.

Then…we got news just last night that it happened again…on April 2, 2014, at sometime around 6pm.  Three innocent people are dead, and something like 16 others (last count I heard) are injured.  This time, the assailant was an Iraq veteran named Spc. Ivan Lopez.

Both times, the assailant was stopped by a “good gal” with a gun.  In Lopez’s case, he took his own life like a coward when the female police officer confronted him with her own firearm.  Well, we trust our sworn police officers to carry guns on police property and pretty much anywhere else.  Why are we not doing likewise with our sworn military members on their own bases to give ’em a fighting chance against the next Hasan or Lopez instead of being sitting ducks?  WHY?

On that note, we also show you some ways to get new folks into the enjoyment of marksmanship.  We use two examples:  the first is my cameralady, Miss B.H.C., and the other example is my mother.  Yep  two more “good gals” with guns.  Gotta love that, especially in light of the above recent event.  If you want to be able to defend yourself, you need to understand the tools to do that…and the tools to do that are guns.

Our hearts and thoughts go out to the victims and the families.  May our “leadership” folks finally wake up and take the shackles off of our people serving our country.  They deserve better.

American Flag
American Flag

Episode 30: The Ninth Circuit Court Ruling on California Carry, and Talkin’ ‘Bout AR’s

That Ninth Circuit Court ruling that struck down California’s restrictive carry laws was a pretty seismic event. 🙂 Therefore, we figured it deserved some more in-depth discussion. This is serious business here, folks. It’s so serious that it’s got the antis all in a tizzy. Their spin machines have gone into Overdrive for this one. We’re going to discuss not just the ruling, but *why* the antis are wrong on this.

Then, we’ll get into guns, specifically AR’s, but from a slightly different perspective. If you’re considering buying an AR-15 rifle, I’d like to suggest to you a variant of it, called the AR-10. Nothing against the AR-15, but in my view, this .308 Winchester variant is the more versatile of them and would make a better all-around household rifle. Were I to buy an AR, it would be this type.

Getting used to running my own WordPress server, and iTunes connectivity

One of the neat things about being a systems engineer is that you’re always learning new stuff. Information Technology never stands still.

You’re seeing an example of it here, right now, with this new WordPress server. Up until recently, I’d never worked with WordPress or any other Weblogging or podcasting software. Gotta say, it’s a handful! But it’s fun.

One of the (many) things I’m figuring out how to do is get this new box to reconnect with the existing iTunes feed. Once I do, iTunes listeners will once again start getting notifications when a new episode comes out. I am definitely working on this.

Hmm…I wonder what Steve Jobs would think of this podcast…? 🙂

Episode 29: Cool Casting, Unintended Consequences, and Breaking News from California

It’s been a busy last couple of months.  And it’s cold and snowy–perfect weather for casting!  We’ll talk about that.  Looks like I’m about to go through 200gr, .45-caliber “boolits” like politicians go through money.

Then, we have some breaking news, as of February, from California.  Can you believe it–the Ninth Circuit Court actually ruled in favor of California gun owners??  Yes, it’s true!  And the antis are definitely sucking on lemons right about now.

Next, we explore a little case of “Unintended Consequences”.  An anti, who advocated for more gun restrictions like the New York UNSAFE Act, just got arrested…under one of the very laws he was advocating for!  This case shows the futility and even craziness of such laws.

And finally…for those of you who keep saying, “IT CAN’T HAPPEN HERE!”…think again.  It happened to an American Citizen.  He’s going to tell you about it.

As always, this is all very serious business.  Rights are like that.

The Liberal’s Gun Corner is BACK!

In light of the closing-down of the Gun Rights Radio Network (GRRN), we decided to continue this podcast, the Liberal’s Gun Corner, on our own Web site. That means I’m getting to learn how to use WordPress, but since I’m a systems engineer, this is proving to be a fun project. This should also reduce times for episodes to appear.

I’d like to publicly thank Mark “Mr. GRRN” Vanderberg for starting the Gun Rights Radio Network and running it for all the years that he has. Without him, I would never have even considered doing a podcast like this one.