The Liberal’s Gun Corner is BACK!

In light of the closing-down of the Gun Rights Radio Network (GRRN), we decided to continue this podcast, the Liberal’s Gun Corner, on our own Web site. That means I’m getting to learn how to use WordPress, but since I’m a systems engineer, this is proving to be a fun project. This should also reduce times for episodes to appear.

I’d like to publicly thank Mark “Mr. GRRN” Vanderberg for starting the Gun Rights Radio Network and running it for all the years that he has. Without him, I would never have even considered doing a podcast like this one.

2 thoughts on “The Liberal’s Gun Corner is BACK!

    • Soon as I can figure out how to do the right “301 Redirect” magic to make that happen. I’m actively researching how to do this, and hopefully I’ll have it figured out soon.

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