Episode 06: The Case for the Private Face-To-Face Firearms Transaction

Every time there’s a shooting of some sort that makes the news, there’s this call for “closing down” something that the Bradys and their allies call, “the gun show loophole”.  What they’re really talking about has nothing whatsoever to do with gun shows, but it does have everything to do with something called the “private, face-to-face, intra-state transaction” of firearms, better known as the “private sale”.  They want to shut that down and require “background checks” for every gun sale, including the private ones.

“It won’t be a big burden!”, they claim.   “It’ll stop criminals while respecting the Second Amendment!”, they claim.

This entire episode is my case for why that is a terrible idea.  Contrary to what they say, it would indeed prove a HUGE burden on not only just government, but everyone else involved.  It certainly won’t stop crime-related injuries or deaths.  It might even itself get people killed.  And it would be a major blow to the defense of liberty.

I’d like to thank my fellow Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) members for their help in producing this episode.


One thought on “Episode 06: The Case for the Private Face-To-Face Firearms Transaction

  1. I have one word for this podcast (three times)…

    Fellow VCDL member.

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