Episode 56: Lobby Day, “The Russians Are Hacking!”, and getting cozy with Mr. Weatherby for cheap (re-upload)

This is Episode 56, first published four years ago in January 2017. Four years later, in February 2021, it seems frighteningly relevant today in several ways. This is the other episode I was able to recover from the catastrophic Web site failure.

The now-late Rep. John Lewis’s opposition to the RKBA, in light of what happened to pro-Civil Rights activists like him and MLK Jr, never ceases to baffle me, as the son of a Black man myself. As the Charlottesville, VA racists showed us yet again, we have the right to defend ourselves from attack, and that most definitely includes with guns. Even MLK Jr. agreed with this notion! Yes, you read that right. We discuss that in this episode.

Russia! Russia! Russia!

We also discussed the whole “Russia, Russia, Russia!” thing, from a cybersecurity engineer’s point of view. Since Mr. Trump is no longer President, some people might think this is moot. Well, no, it’s not, but not because of Mr. Trump…but rather because of biased media coverage. And that’s true no matter who does it. Biased media coverage is not the Liberal way. That’s the way of Communists and Fascists, not us Liberals. To my amazement, not just Mrs. Clinton and her allies ran with this business, but Rep. John Lewis–one of my heroes–also did. That was really disappointing to me, since Rep. Lewis himself, as a Civil Rights Activist, was himself a victim of media propaganda in the 1960’s.

Hello, Mr. Weatherby! Even Archie would like you. 🙂

We also discuss a really slick rifle, and one that I’m surprised doesn’t get more love in the used gun market. This is the Weatherby Mark V. It’s basically the Mercedes-Benz S-Class of rifles. And like luxury German Cars–Mercedes, BMW, and Audi–this rifle doesn’t hold its value in thye used market. But they’re excellent rifles! They’re basically semi-custom. We’re going to talk about it, its benefits, and how inexpensively one can get one of these fine rifles.